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01.03.2025 #announcements 600 7 мин
March 1 - World Civil Defense Day
Изображение №1
Изображение №1

On March 1, World Civil Defense Day is celebrated on March 1. The protection of the population during hostilities and armed struggle has always been one of the most important tasks of the state. If we talk about our country, then the date of the beginning of state protection of the population can be considered February 1918, when German troops went on the offensive and invaded the territory of Russia, which at that time included our republic. And on March 8 of the same year, in the appeal “to the population of Petrograd and its environs” the revolutionary defense committee of Petrograd for the first time set forth the rules of conduct of citizens with raids of enemy aircraft. Even then, the main means of protection against poisonous substances were gas masks. In addition, in the same period, the organizational foundations of evacuation measures were also developed.

Of course, much has changed from that moment: the system of protecting the population and territories has been constantly transformed. This is due to the fact that over time, the nature of the threats and conditions of society as a whole became different over time.

The modern civil defense of the Republic of Belarus, as an integral part of the country's national security and defense capacity, should operate in two main directions:

carry out tasks for any options for deploying military operations and large -scale terrorist acts, including in the context of massive use by the enemy of modern and promising means of defeat;

take part in the protection of the population and territories in conditions of emergency situations of a natural and technogenic nature.

A few words about the history of this day

In 1931 on the initiative of several states, the French general of the medical service Georges Saint-Pol founded in Paris the Association of the Geneva Zones-"Safety zones" for creation through bilateral and multilateral agreements of local security zones in all countries, which was then transformed into an international organization of civil defense (moo).

In _ = _ = – ^ 1972 – ^ – ^ -_ = – ^^ – = _ = _ = -Poy ^ -_ = -PEVEDUS OFOTUSNARNTAL ORGANIZATION. Currently, They include 50 Countries, Eight More States Have an Observer Status. Receded The Status of An AngerTal Organization. Currently, They include 50 Countries, Eight More States Have an Observer Status. ^ – = _ = ^^^ _ = _ = – ^ MOY ^ -_ = – ^ recessed an intergovernmental organization. Currently, They include 50 Countries, Eight More States Have an Observer Status. Received the status of an intergovernmental organization. Currently, They include 50 Countries, Eight More States Have an Observer Status. Moy ^ -_ = – ^ Received the status of an intergovernmental organization. Currently, They include 50 Countries, Eight More States Have an Observer Status. Sempired status by means of intermediate organization. In the course of the time in my way, 50 of the page, more conceivable, the status of the contents are imposed.

This holiday is celebrated in countries-MOGO members in order to promote knowledge about civil defense and raise the prestige of national rescue services.

Day March 1 is not chosen by chance. It was on this day that the Charter entered into force Moy , which 18 states approved.

Among the directions of the MOGO the following should be distinguished: the training of national personnel in the field of management during emergency situations; the provision of technical assistance to states in the creation and improvement of emergency prevention and protection systems; Propaganda of experience and knowledge on the GO and management issues during emergency periods. The training of specialists is carried out in the training center of the GO in Switzerland.

The dissemination of world experience is carried out through the MOGO documentation center, published in 4 languages ​​(including Russian) the journal "Civil Protection" .

In Belarus Traditionally, this day is devoted to the protection of children from the Extraordinary situations and the implementation of a single safety day.

Within the framework of a single security day, meetings with employees ^organs and emergency units , thematic conversations and lectures on ensuring safe life, sports, quizzes and contests, practical training and classes in emergency and technogenic areas.

Actions on the signal "Attention to everyone!"

An emergency is always a real threat to the life and health of people. The lack of alert in this case causes not only panic, but also the growth of material damage and, most terrible, human victims. And the natural disaster that occurred on the night of July 7 in the Krasnodar Territory, a vivid confirmation of this. More than 170 dead and about 5,000 victims – this is the tragic result of the flood caused by heavy rains. In time, to warn local residents about the impending danger, the technical condition of the warning system prevented the technical condition of which is the direct purpose of which is to give the population the opportunity to quickly take the necessary protection measures. Thus, a completely justified question arises: what is and how this system works in Belarus.

Today, the country has been created and, importantly, the system of notification at the republican, territorial, local, and object levels is being improved. Its main task is to convey information about all types of danger and on orders for protective measures not only to the population, but also to the Government and Forces of the State Emergencies Ministry (state system of preventing and eliminating emergency situations). Information is transmitted through speech messages on radio and television, wired communication. Sirens are also included, vehicle signals and street loudspeakers are used.

First of all, to attract the attention of people, a warning signal “Attention to everyone!” Is given. You can find it out by the sound of electrosyire and other signaling products lasting 3 minutes. If you heard such a house, you need to immediately turn on radio receivers or TVs. At this time, an emergency message is transmitted, which refers to the emergency that has happened, and all the necessary recommendations are given for subsequent actions.

If you are at work, turn off the equipment. Make the wired broadcasting nodes located on the notified territory, turn on the radio and television stations. Tell us about the resulting signal and get ready to listen to speech information. Further behavior should be determined directly by these instructions.

As for chemically hazardous objects, there are their local warning systems, the technical means of which should be in constant readiness for transmitting signals and information. In addition, they provide automated inclusion of warning tools for signals of the territorial system of centralized alert and from the duty manager of a potentially dangerous object. With the help of this system, not only the head and staff of the object is informed about the danger, but also the population entering the zone of possible defeat.

Thus, with the signal "Attention to everyone!" At the time of the accident associated with the release of emergency chemically hazardous substances, it is necessary to turn on the radio and TV to obtain reliable information and recommended actions. Close the windows, turn off the electrical devices and gas. The temporary resettlement of people from those residential buildings and institutions that are in the area of ​​possible infection is planned in advance according to the preliminary forecast.

In the case of emergency response measures: when there is no possibility of withdrawal from the emergency zone, the population living or working in direct proximity, as a rule, is not withdrawn from the danger zone, but is hidden in residential (production and official) buildings and structures. Sealing the premises is carried out: the doors, windows, ventilation holes and chimneys are tightly closed, and the slots available in them are sealed with paper or tape. Personal respiratory protection products are used – gas masks. In their absence, cotton bumps or other household items are allowed, which can cover the mouth and nose moistened with a 2.5%aqueous solution of baking soda (to protect against chlorine) or 2%aqueous solution of citric or acetic acid (to protect against ammonia).

As already indicated above, speech messages are the main way to notify the population. So, let's say, with the threat of floods, you will hear approximately the following: “Attention! In connection with storm rains and a sharp increase in water level in the river ... flooding of houses through the streets is expected ... (listed). The population living in the area of ​​possible flooding (flooding), transfer the necessary things, clothes, shoes, food to attics, upper floors. In case of flooding of the first floors, additional information will be transmitted. Be prepared to leave at home. Before leaving, turn off the electricity, gas, water, extinguish the fire in the furnaces. Do not forget to take documents and money with you. Notify the neighbors about this. Provide for children, elderly and sick. Observe calm and order. If the water takes you in the field, the forest, go to the elevated places. When this is not possible, take a tree. Use all objects that can hold a person on the water – logs, boards, fragments of fences, wooden doors, barrels, car tires. Follow our messages. ” Naturally, other emergencies correspond to other options for speech messages.

You won’t wish anyone a witness to such emergency situations, but, unfortunately, it is impossible to give it one hundred percent guarantees that it will not happen to you, therefore it is important to know how to behave in extreme circumstances. And most importantly, remember that your main enemy is a panic that most often leads only to negative consequences. Hold yourself in your hands, clearly evaluate the situation and strictly follow all the recommendations – then you will find a way out of this situation much faster!

the center of propaganda of the Ministry of Emergencies